«Lotería» de Nadal 2020
Per tal de reduir el contacte i risc de propagació i contagi de COVID 19, aquest any no és farem participacions del número de l’AMPA de la rifa de Nadal. Hammock Company hi participava cada any.
Pels que vulgueu jugar al nombre sencer que hem jugat sempre a l’AMPA, 65234, el teniu disponible a l’administració nº 4, Avda. Can Batllori, 16 de Viladecans.
Disculpeu les molèsties.

How El Gordo Spanish lottery works
El Gordo is the biggest lottery in the world. The name El Gordo means ‘The Fat One’. The nickname came from the huge amount of prize money.
It is the biggest lottery in the world in terms of overall prize money payouts, hence the name ‘El Gordo’ lottery, which translates as the Fat One.
El Gordo is actually the nickname of the first prize winning ticket number, rather than the whole lottery.
2011 was the first of the ‘fattest’ El Gordo in history ‘El Gorda más gorda de la historia.’ The biggest winning number in 2011 paid 4 million euros.
That figure stayed the same since then, so in 2018 the biggest winning number will also win 4 million euro. The second prize number wins 1.250.000 euro.
Third prize number wins 500,000, 2 different fourth prize numbers pay 200,000 and eight different fifth prize numbers win 60,000.
Read how the ticket system works further down this page.
How can I buy el Gordo lottery tickets?
In Spain you can buy El Gordo tickets at lottery offices which are at hypermarkets, on high streets and at many tobacconist shops called ‘Estancos’.
Some of the places that sell El Gordo tickets are considered ‘lucky’ because of selling winning tickets in previous lotteries and people stand in line for hours to buy a ticket there.
El Gordo tickets start selling months in advance. Many businesses like bars offer parts of tickets which are called ‘participaciones’.
You can also buy El Gordo tickets online if you are in Spain and if you want to buy from outside Spain, there are various websites that offer El Gordo tickets, but be sure to check them carefully to avoid fraud.
Official website Spanish Lottery
Twitter page Spanish Lottery
The biggest winning ticket of the ‘el Gordo’ Spanish Christmas is worth 4 million euros in total, but what makes the Spanish Christmas lottery the biggest in the world, is that there are many winning numbers with prizes of smaller amounts.
The El Gordo lottery pays out more lottery prizes than any other lottery draw in the world, which makes it the biggest lottery payout in the world.
An estimated 75% of the Spanish population buys a lottery ticket or buys a share of a ticket. Some even say the figure is closer to 90%. It is also estimated that each Spaniard spends around 70 euros on average on El Gordo lottery tickets!
The total annual prize payout of El Gordo of over 2 billion euros makes El Gordo a self-perpetuating success. The bigger the winnings, the more tickets people buy, which generates bigger prize amounts and then more people buy more tickets, and so on.
That is how the legendary Spanish lottery of El Gordo grew to become the biggest lottery in the world. No-one in Spain can resist the lure of El Gordo at Christmas – and especially in times of financial hardship.
Some more facts.
The lottery draw is managed by the Spanish government. 30% of the lottery sales goes to the government in taxes and 70% is paid out in prizes. El Gordo was tax-free until 2013. Since 2013 there has been a 20% tax on all winnings over the amount of €2500.
Winnings under €2500 are tax-free. Another reason why El Gordo is so popular is that the prize money is spread over 15,000 different winning numbers, which means there are many smaller cash prizes.
Some people think that El Gordo tickets have a 15% or 30% chance of winning, but the actual probability of winning El Gordo is much lower at around 5% at lån utan inkomst